Our Studio
Our studio is unique in many ways. From our location to our flooring, North Pointe Academy of Dance provides a quality space, different from other studios in the area.
Our studio is located on the north end of Nephi City in Juab County, Utah. We are conveniently located 3 minutes from I-15.
Our Story

Jaimee Beard
Owner & Instructor
Jaimee Beard, Utah born and raised, has been dancing for over seventeen years. She first started out as a competitive Irish dancer but then discovered her love for all styles of dance. Jaimee has performed throughout the years in a variety of projects including performing at the Stadium of Fire, Real Salt Lake, Disneyland, and Universal Studios. Jaimee is trained in Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Hip-Hop, and various forms of dance from around the world. Jaimee has choreographed and taught dance for over eleven years throughout Central Utah, Utah and Salt Lake counties, Southern Idaho, and North Carolina.
In 2018, Jaimee graduated from Snow College (Ephraim, Utah), Magna Cum Laude with an Associate of Science in Dance. While attending Snow College she was awarded the Dance Department Scholarship and was President of Snow College's Dance Ensemble under the direction of Dmitri Peskov. She also attended Utah Valley University (Orem, Utah) as a part of the Dance Education program, creating work and participating in student choreography. In 2021, Jaimee graduated Summa Cum Laude from Westminster College (Salt Lake City, UT). She received a Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Dance.
Having a passion for progressing the arts, she pursued the field of arts administration managing events and concerts as the Programming Director for Salt Lake City-based professional dance company, SALT Contemporary Dance. After a three-year run with SALT (2018-2021), Jaimee danced for the Salt Lake City Senate Football Team during the Sensastionals inaugural season(2022). Jaimee moved to North Carolina in the fall of 2022 and taught Physical Education at American Leadership Academy in Johnston County and launched their Spirit Program including cheer and dance.
Jaimee currently resides in Nephi, Utah, where she continues to be a guest instructor, choreographer, and adjudicator for studios, companies, competitions, and festivals throughout the United States. She is grateful and honored to be able to fulfill her dream of opening a dance studio. She is eager to bring new opportunities and advanced training to Juab County and the students of North Pointe Academy of Dance!
Teaching Philosophy
As a dancer, choreographer, and educator, I teach with heart, hope, and honesty, while creating an environment that promotes all-over health through dance. I seek to be an advocate for students and educators pertaining to: beliefs, values, mental wellness, and physical well-being. When teaching, I intend to provide meaningful opportunities for students to connect to their emotional and physical life experiences within movement. My philosophy is a living document. A manifesto that continues to evolve as I seek to understand my students, myself, and the world we dance and live in.
Understanding My Students
With compassion and patience, I challenge students and push them out of their comfort zone. I do not force my voice into my students' creations but rather encourage and guide them to discover their own voice and use it. Voices are to be heard, not silenced. I believe in the change and light that will come from students, of all ages, using their voice in their work. With voice being crucial to understanding students, I push students to do the same in allowing others to use their voice both in conversation and artistically. I teach with an urgency to be kind and acknowledge the paths of others around them.
I have high expectations of students. Accompanied with confidence in my students, I am simply an usher to them achieving their goals both in and out of the studio and/or classroom. Although “can’t” is a bad word in my teaching space, I work where a student is. I provide individual feedback both in validation and encouragement to improve a developing area. Dancers grow through both physical and intellectual practices. The body and mind is a student’s ongoing experiment. A personal hub for research and discovery. Students in my classes develop technical skills, but also build intrapersonal intelligence and critical thinking skills through frequent cognitive learning. This combination of voice and vision allows me to cultivate understanding when assessing students.
Understanding Myself as an Educator
My teaching is informed by a combination of experiences: my secondary education dance training, my collegiate research, and my administrative work that involves engaging communities. I also draw from my mental and emotional experiences to guide my teaching and artistic creations. Ultimately my pedagogy aims to enrich students’ views of themselves and the people around them. As students in an ever-evolving world, I aim to shed light on students’ potential as artists and citizens, just as my teachers and mentors did for me. I believe I owe it to my students to create a welcoming community of peers that, at many times throughout my life, I did not have. I seek to be a friend when one cannot be found.
By teaching, I learn from the wisdom brought to the room by my students. I seek to provide an enriching environment for learning for all who occupy the shared space, whether that be physical or virtual. I do not ask my students to do something I wouldn’t. I rely on honesty, integrity, and individuality to carry the content of my classes.
Understanding My Community
Lessons I share with students are influenced by the world around us. Instruction changes and evolves as I learn from my community and the space I am in. I believe we, as human beings, are here to learn from each other and the experiences that come. Humanity, from the beginning of time, longs for learning. With a need to expand our intellect and understanding of life and beyond, the lessons I teach are not ruled by the moving physical body alone, but by deeper and perhaps more soulful lessons. I strive for myself and my students to notice deeply, to question and to embody ideas. Understanding that community is a key factor in my teaching philosophy, I wish to awaken students to who they are within a community. I yearn for my students to be themselves and know their voice as they make connections with the rest of the world: locally, nationally, and internationally.